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Event Details:
Theme Introduction by Fritjof Capra: Earth Ethics
Solo by Princess Lockerooo: Lotus
The Queen Of Waacking presents a high fashion floral Waacking number filled with emotion, drama and a deep connection to the music.
Site-Specific Dance choreographed by Thryn Saxon: Mother Tongue | Performers: Maggie Costales and Jamie Klienschnitz; Live Music by Bre Short
‘This piece explores the principles of reciprocity and cooperation over competition between human, plant, and animal life. As the Kingsland Wildflowers offer a habitat for species to come home to, so too does this piece, bringing the performers back to their organic roots; Earth, Water, and Sky. They tread lightly so as to support the environment around them while offering their own gifts of homecoming to the space’
Rooftop Concert by Duo Livia & Fred
Visiting from Brazil, Livia Nestrovski & Fred Ferreira form a dynamic duo of voice and electric guitar that is both subtle and virtuosic, experimental and elegant: the potency of a minimal set in a journey through old and new songs from Brazil and the World.
NOoSPHERE Arts Presents the Climate Week-inspired event: WE ARE NATURE: PATTERNS OF CONNECTION I Earth Ethics. The 6th and last live performance event of the summer series will feature site-specific dance pieces choreographed by Thryn Saxon and Princess Lockerooo curated by CreateART, a rooftop concert by Duo Livia & Fred, and a theme introduction by Fritjof Capra.